Entries in body (1)


What love DOES have to do with it

We need to love humanly in order to love and to feel loved by God. Jewish tradition, even with a God we can't see or touch, instructs us to use all the aspects of our physical loving selves as points of reference for loving God. Christian tradition teaches us about an incarnate God who understands first-hand the workings of our human hearts and bodies. Many other spiritual traditions give their God(s) human shape and personality, telling stories of their erotic interest and interaction with human beings.

The truth we should distill from this is that our Queer, corporeal, and carnal identities are the keys to our knowledge of the Divine Eternal. By second guessing our impulse to love and our human capacity for desire we disempower ourselves as worshipers of God.

I don't believe God wants us to check our flesh and blood at the door when we enter God's presence. Our bodies reap wisdom through all our senses, and that wisdom makes us better worshipers, better lovers of God. There may exist a realm in which engagement with God is best achieved through disembodied spirituality, but this isn't it.

Share a moment of blessing with God. Bless God for making you the loving and yearning person you are.